Classes are taught by Sensei Chad Callaghan (3rd Degree Black Belt). Sensei Callaghan grew up in Boulder, Colorado and began training under Sensei Green in 1985. Mr. Callaghan holds a B.S. Degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder and worked for many years at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). He continues to train with Sensei Green along with his wife and daughter (both 1st degree black belts) on a weekly basis and enjoys competing in local, regional & national tournaments. He tested and received his Shodan and Nidan from Master Yaguchi. Sensei Callaghan is currently enrolled in the world renowned ISKF Instructor Training Program.

Sensei Bruce Green
8th Degree Black Belt

Master Yutaka Yaguchi
9th Degree Black Belt

Sensei Chad Callaghan sparring with Adam Baldwin
Early Days (1990)